Too boring (not enough variation)
Not motivated
Don’t believe in succes/Don’t want to succeed
The practice space is not conductive of good work
No plan/progression/rhythm
Too much work/too ambitious/too many other priorities that interfere
Not suffiecient routine and rhythm
Lack of collaboration
Too much collaboration
Am I on the right track?
Am I aiming too high at once? Have I broken down the challenge sufficiently?
Am I aiming too low? Why am I aiming low?
I am lost!
Ideas what to do differently For no motivation:
⁃ take an inventory of your dreams, goals. Does the project fit in? Too much work?: ⁃ make an overview of all ongoing projects, and concerns and things you are responsible for ⁃ Postpone some things ⁃ Let go and cancel some other things that are less important. Saying no is one of the most important skills, and not an easy one to learn.
Am I on the right track? ⁃ your emotions and feelings need to be attuned and aligned with what you do, you will achieve much more. ⁃ Start a folder in your notes and reflect regularly on how you feel about a particular thing you are doing? Is this project something that brings me closer to my goals and aims? Stands in the way? I am lost! ⁃ take notes, draw a mindmap, get an overview. Think in freeform